**If you can't unpack zip-files on your server download this file
unzipper-master.zip) and unzip it. Upload unzipper.php to the same folder as where you uploaded VT-protector-5daytrial.zip.
Run https://yourdomain/unzipper.php and select the zip file you want to unzip.
You also can delete VT-protector-5daytrial.zip during unpacking.
Download vt_protect_passwordList.php
Open the file witha text editor. Add your own names and passwords.
Upload the file back to the server.
Download vt_protect_screenDesign.php
Create your own design editing the green highlights (rightclick image - open in new Tab to enlarge).
Upload the file back to the server
Run https://yourdomain/unzipfolder/vtportect/vt_protect_CODE.php?help
Copy the code that appears on the first line of your tours index.htm
Rename index.htm into index.php and upload the file to the server
If index.htm still excists on the server remove it
Go to https://yourdomain/yourtour
The magic happens!